Start the Second Semester with Success!

Ripley, Anonymous Staff

It was no surprise to me that as I walked from class to class on the first day of second semester that there was a hint of chaos. Whether fretting about finals, shrieking over transfer students, or predetermining their academic fate, students scrambled and swerved through the traffic heavy hallways to reach their new classes. All the hustle and bustle of the new semester shouldn’t worry your emotional teenage heart. You can let the new semester throw you in a whirl of confusion, but only for today. As there was much change on this momentous day, teachers want to start off on a clean slate just as much as you do. Here are some brief tips on how to succeed this semester.

Let it go. The past is in the past, we all know the Frozen phrase, and it speaks the truth. What has happened in the first semester stays in the first semester. If first semester was a dirty clothes pile, and you’re sitting amongst mountains of grotesque garbs, then maybe that’s a clue that you need to pick up the slack for the second semester. Although you can no longer clean those clothes in the first semester, perhaps you should focus on what you can make an impact on now. Like the clothing pile that lies in wait for you in the second semester. Keep those clothes clean so you can wear them when you graduate high school which I know every person is capable of.

If you don’t understand, ask questions. Never patronize the kid who boldly asks the teacher to clarify something or show how they got that answer, because that kid is going to get an A on the next test and not you. (There is a large difference between completely stupid questions and attuned questions.) I know that whenever I need something reiterated, I ask. The teacher’s there for a reason, you know. He or she is the best resource there in class. Teachers have the degrees, so ask them.

And finally, stay positive. How many times have you heard “Oh my god, I have so much homework…”or, “…this is going to take me hours!” And don’t forget, “I have like, three tests tomorrow!” Stress is a very close friend of a high school student, and a very annoying friend that seems to cling to us as we grow from a freshman to a senior. If you are stressed, take a break. If homework is overwhelming you, take a break, then come back and try again. Going into a homework assignment, a review before a test, or a project with a hit or miss attitude will guarantee an undesired result.

Those are just a few tips that I have for someone who maybe wants to be successful in the second semester. I could ramble on and on, the only other skill that is required to understand all of these points is to listen. Don’t tune yourself out and act like you own the world, because you don’t. Hopefully I’ve helped you out, and if you have any more questions, please leave a comment below.