How Was Your Winter Break?

What was the best thing about your winter break?

Freshman Nycole Seibert: “The best thing about winter break was not having to be constantly stressed and being able to hang out with my family. I went shopping, played games, babysat my cousins, ate food, slept in, and had a blast.”

Nycole Seibert
Michal Wipf
Nycole Seibert

Sophomore Claire Fleming: “I got a cute puppy.”

Lindsey Shaw, Sabja Maque, Faith Dewitz, Victoria Davidenko, and Claire Fleming
Michal Wipf
Lindsey Shaw, Sabja Maque, Faith Dewitz, Victoria Davidenko, and Claire Fleming

Rachel Sego: “I went on a road trip with my best friend Madison Sacks to Cape Flattery!”

Rachel Sego
Emma Backstein
Rachel Sego

What was the worst thing about your winter break?

Freshman Nycole Seibert: “I missed seeing my friends at school during the break.”

Sophomore Claire Fleming: “The worst thing about winter break was a hectic family party.”