Winter Trends in the Community

While the seasons shift from fall to winter, leaves seem to disintegrate from trees and shrivel the moment they touch the ground. The daylight hours become shorter, and the cold chills of night shroud a frosty air over the harbor. Certainly when the weather changes, new trends seem to change as well. Here’s what our Tides are into during this transitioning period!

Freshman Hallie Johnson 

Q: Are there any clothing items that you believe everyone should/must have?

A: “Definitely a sweatshirt.”

Q: Anything else people must have?

A: “Nice long socks.”

Q: What are your favorite winter shoes?

A: “Probably boots, tennis shoes and converse.”  

Q: What is a winter activity that you like?

A: “I like vaulting.”

Freshman Kayla Atkins

Q: Are there any clothing items that you believe everyone should/must have?

A: “People should have a green parka, leggings and birkenstocks.”

Q: What is a fall must have?

A: “They have to have fuzzy socks.”

Q: What are your favorite winter shoes?

A: “I like converse.”

Q: What is a winter activity that you like?

A: “I really enjoy basketball.”


Freshman Graham Nordquist

Q: Are there any clothing items that you believe everyone should/must have?

A: “A scarf, beanie and coat.”

Q: What is a winter must have?

A: “Just a coat.”

Q: What are your favorite winter shoes?

A: “Adidas and tennis shoes.”

Q: What is a winter activity that you like?

A: “I like tennis and soccer.”


Our Tides have an excellent taste in trends! All the Tides in this article, thank you for answering my questions. Have a great winter, everyone!