Does Yoga Reduce Stress on Campus?

Yoga is a great way to reduce stress on campus. Image obtained from

People argue that yoga may or may not reduce stress on campus. Luckily, there are several studies that confirm an answer. Yes; yoga indeed reduces stress on campus.  “A number of studies have shown that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety. It can also enhance your mood and overall sense of well-being” (Mayo Clinic Staff). Your brain during exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that control your emotions, and can determine how happy you are.

After a person exercises, they are tired, making them relaxed. Yoga reduces your blood pressure, calms anxiety, and improves focus. When stretching, tension is released, muscles are relaxed, and nerves are diminished. As a result, stress is relieved.

Yoga not only relaxes an individual, but also improves self care. “Those feelings alone can really boost your mood and motivation”(Kristi Lee Young). This states that a person can feel motivated because a person feels better after exercising, they feel more relaxed. On campus a person worries about getting from class to class. They worry if they have their homework done the night before. A student is stressed from the sports they play, to the clubs they participate in. A sport is demanding because student athletes are required to have an 80% percent attendance record. Some students are stressed about maintaining a good GPA and not falling short in a sport. But with yoga, students experience an hour of relief, stress-free.