Boy’s Tennis: From the Eyes of a Spectator

Sanda Gugin

Some of the Boy’s Tennis team.

Ricci Seguban and Sanda Gugin

Kayla Wickstrom, Ally Fletcher, Anna Finnell, and Abigail Adams at a Boy's Tennis match.
Sanda Gugin
Kayla Wickstrom, Ally Fletcher, Anna Finnell, and Abigail Adams at a Boy’s Tennis match.

For these spectators, Boy’s Tennis could be described in a few words.

Kayla Wickstrom: “Tennis is fun and ball is life.”

Ally Fletcher: “I love watching the games!”

Abigail Adams: “I watch tennis because I have a crush on Ben Finnell!”

Anna Finnell: “I go to the tennis matches to make sure Abigail doesn’t flirt with my brother.”

However, others could say that their season was solid, with eight wins and four losses overall. Good job Boy’s Tennis and go Tides!