Is It Bad to Worry About Grades… Too Much?
January 14, 2015
To answer this question, I can safely say that you do not have a problem. If you actually check your grades routinely, that means you have the decency to care about your grade. Which is good.
I know a lot of people that don’t even use Parent Portal. If you check your grades consecutively, then you have an idea of what you need to do to improve in a specific class. I can tell you that if you want to get somewhere in your life, having a clear idea of where you are academically is the best thing possible to succeed.
Although checking your grades constantly can be useful and assisting in some ways, it can cause swells of anxiety where it doesn’t need to. I am a constant victim of stress. The anxiety builds as I wait to see what I got on that English paper or that US History test. Sometimes you need to go back up for air after being in the stressful ocean water of school.
My core advice would be to keep track of your grades, but don’t freak out about the small assignments that will only scrape the surface of your grade. Focus on the unit tests that you take in each class, because those are what will cumulatively determine your final GPA in the end.