Super Mario Maker Game Review
The Super Mario Series is hands down the most recognizable franchise when it comes to gaming, and it recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, in a big way. Nintendo fans worldwide have been asking for a game that engages them in a new way, while still allowing them to enjoy the memorable atmosphere of the Mario universe. Well, I can safely say that Nintendo did just that. The release of Super Mario Maker was huge! Between the release date (September 11th, 2015) and the end of the month it had sold over one million copies.
The layout of the game is broken up into two parts, make and play. In the make mode, players are able to create entire Mario levels from scratch with the only limit being your imagination. Players can place just about any block from the Mario 2D sidescrollers onto their palette and create any level they want. My only complaint is that there are no checkpoints. My two favorite things about this mode are the fact players can combine enemies like giving Bowser wings or have a Magikoopa shoot out bombs. The other part I love about make mode is I can choose between four visual styles for your level, from the original Super Mario Bros. to the retro look of Super Mario Bros. 3, to the unforgettable Super Mario World, and even the HD graphics in New Super Mario Bros. U. Players can make levels look and play out anyway they want, crazy, easy, annoying, you name it you can make it.
Now, making levels is only half of the fun. When players connect to the internet they can play other players’ levels that they have shared with the world and try to prove your skills. The only complaint I have about this mode is people are really good at making hard levels. So if you are the type of person that rages at games, I suggest to try the easier levels. Players can also post games online themselves and have people comment and like their creations. The play mode is an great addition that makes replay ability easy.
So all in all is it worth the price? Well in my opinion… definitely. The level making is easy and enjoyable. The game looks great. It’s a great game to play with and without friends, and the online technique is incredibly satisfying. I am certain that Super Mario Maker for the “Nintendo Wii U” is one of the best games of the year. I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

My name is Ethan Bollert and I am a freshman this year and have never been involved in yearbook or newspaper. I joined because I love taking pictures....