Pros and Cons of Freshman Year
Let’s be honest, people hate on Freshman. Usually the others classes pick on them and tease them about how incredibly hard the years to come are. However, the 9th graders today believe that though high school’s first year has it’s flaws, there’s many things to enjoy about it. I had the opportunity to interview two Freshman on what they like about the 9th grade and also ask them some things they wish they could change. I started with my pal Steven Kotansky.
Freshman, Steven Kotansky
Q: Hey Stevereeno, What is a pro about being a Freshman as oppose to other years in high school?
A: “One good thing is there’s not as much work as there will be in years to come.”
Q: Okay, what about something that is bad?
A: “There’s not enough freedom in class choice.”
Next I got to interview my little buddy Griffin Bird.
Freshman, Griffin Bird
Q: Hey Big G, What’s a good thing about Freshman year?
A: “I have almost no homework. Even less than in middle school.”
Q: Alright, what about something you wish you could change?
A: “The school won’t allow me to take more challenging classes.”
So all in all, picking on the Freshman may be fun at times, but most Freshman are trying to enjoy the easy years while they can because, as most high schoolers know, it only gets harder from there.

My name is Ethan Bollert and I am a freshman this year and have never been involved in yearbook or newspaper. I joined because I love taking pictures....