New Seattle Tax on Sugary Drinks Sparks Several Opinions


As of January 1st, in the popular city of Seattle, you will now pay an extra 1.75 cents per fluid ounce when you buy any kind of sweetened drink. This includes sports drinks, energy drinks, and the popular Pepsi and Coke. However, it does exclude any diet and zero-calorie versions of these drinks. This tax was approved in June 2017 by the Seattle City Council.

Just like all other taxes, this tax bill has many advocates and many opponents. Research says that consumption of sugary drinks often lead to obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, dental decay, and heart disease. The Supporters argue that it will cut the amount of sugar consumers take in. On the other hand, those who argue against the tax claim that it will hurt local businesses as well as low income consumers. Others are of the opinion that this high tax will no longer allow low income families to buy these previously affordable drinks. This decline in purchases will then directly affect the income of local businesses.

This tax is expected to take in $15 million in just its first year. That money will then be used to expand nutrition and education programs such as “Fresh Bucks.” The Fresh Bucks program provides low income families with vouchers that can be ‘cashed in’ for fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets and some grocery stores. Many parents in this ‘family class’ say that this and many other programs like it really help them because they often don’t get vegetables because they are simply too expensive.

Whether you believe that this tax will help the health of its consumers, or think that it will hurt low income families, and local businesses, it is here to stay. As long as this sugar soda tax is in place you will have to pay almost an extra two cents per ounce on sweetened beverages.