The Consequences With Texting And Driving
We all know that texting and driving is bad, but why do we keep doing it? 80 percent of students from high school through college text and drive (80% Of College Students Text And Drive Even Though It’s Worse Than Driving Drunk,Kelley). People’s brains may be telling them what to do or think but this definitely should not be one of them. Texting and driving can cause many consequences to our lives and the people around us. “Over 3,000 teens and young drivers die yearly to texting and driving,” according to the article “Teen Safe: Why is Texting and Driving Dangerous.” Putting our minds to texting while driving can put ourselves at risk. We may think it doesn’t feel dangerous because our minds are telling that the person driving is in charge and don’t realize it’s a illusion until it is too late. Not only does our mind tell this to people around the world it tells people even at your own school. When asked to anonymously to answer some personal questions on texting and driving, one student said “I did text and drive until I swerved in the road which was very scary.” Another student said “ I know someone who hit a deer and killed it and damaged the car.” In those quotes from students you can tell that texting and driving happens all around us and it needs to stop. It does not only hurt ourselves; texting and driving can hurt others. It only takes one crash to injure or kill yourself or another person. So let’s not listen to our mind telling us we can multitask. Keep you eyes on the road!

A new writer to Gig Harbor High School newspaper staff, Jocelyn Hughes is a well-committed freshman ready to take a start on the paper. Her favorite subject...