Post Graduation Plans

Whether their university is located in Washington State, or on the other side of the country their, whole life is about to change. Senior, Danny Sawyer is attending the Boise State University. Photo Credit: Sophia Potak

As the 2018-19 school year is coming to an end, the senior class is having to make some huge post graduation decisions. As they leave their time as a Tide behind and create their own paths, they are going to have to make some big life changing choices. Post graduation is the time most students will decide which career path they want to take and who they want to be. This is a very critical time for seniors to set goals and make plans. Our Gig Harbor seniors have chosen to go down a variety of different paths. Each student has picked the path which they believe is best suited for them. Some seniors have decided to further their education by attending a four year university. Whether their university is located in Washington State, or on the other side of the country their, whole life is about to change.

Senior, Danny Sawyer is attending the Boise State University. He mentions, “I can not wait to meet new people and experience college”. Other seniors have decided to stay back, save money and obtain their AA’s at the local TCC. A handful of TCC students plan to then transfer to a larger school to finish their bachelor’s after two years as a Titan.

Senior Luke Kim mentions “ I am excited to finish my AA, and eventually transfer to the UW”. Other Gig Harbor students who are more hands on learners have decided the best route for them is a trade school. Most of these seniors have been attending classes at West Sound Tech part time. Other courageous students have even decided to enlist in the military, going off to serve their country. The opportunities for our Gig Harbor Seniors are endless and in just a few short months everyone will be starting their new lives. As a school we could not be more proud to graduate the Senior class of 2019!