Black Holes and Beyond
do you think wormholes could exist?
Karl Schwarzschild was the first to use the theory of relativity to characterize black holes in 1916, but in 1958 David Finkelstein published the interpretation that it is a space with gravity so dense nothing can escape not even light. Finkelstein was correct in his assumption, black holes do not emit any light, that means that with the naked eye they would be invisible. The only reason we do see black holes is because their gravity is so dense that its pulling in stars and dust that emit light and when stars are orbiting the black hole we are able to see it and tell where it it.
With the existence of black holes scientist assume there must also be existence of white holes. Black holes only allow things to go in but nothing can come out, therefore white holes only allow things to go out but never go in. This also leads onto the theory of wormholes and their possibility of existence. If one can be pulled into a black hole then they think you might be spit out somewhere else through a white hole. Grated you’d look like spaghetti because nothing could survive that kind of gravity not even planets but alive or not it’s still a possibility. Since wormholes are meant to be a jump in space and we know that gravity bends space it can be thought that the black holes gravity is so intense that it pulls on another part of space opening a white hole on the other side allowing whatever is pulled into the black hole to come out of the white home somewhere else. If scientist can find a way to get around the deadly gravity it might be possible to jump from one place in space to one that would normally be billions of light years away and if we can eventually figure out this technology could there be a chance that others out there have already done so and are using it to travel?
I asked a few of my peers this question: “Do you think wormholes could exist?” Here’s what they had to say,
Hanna Davis (12) said, “I’m not entirely sure they exist or not but I definitely think it’s possible. If scientists believe white holes and black holes exist then I don’t think wormholes would be any different.”
Gwynn Connor (12) said, “I think that wormholes can exist because we might not be able to see it if it’s there. If black holes are a thing then why couldn’t wormholes be a thing?”
This is Sarina Stalford, they are a senior at Gig Harbor High School. Stalford is a reporter for the high school newspaper. They are extremely zealous...