The Bowling Season
Bowling season started November 1st. We have practice every Monday through Thursday after school at Tower Lanes in Tacoma. This year we are able to make 3 teams! We have 15 girls on the team. They’re a super supportive group of freshman and Sophomore girls. We have games every Tuesday and Thursday! Last year we were doing virtual games but this year we are able to travel and play in person! This makes it even better and way more real. During games and practices, we cheer each other on with every throw. We clap when people do good or bad and we don’t support negative attitudes. Ashley Brooke (10) said, “My favorite part of match days is cheering and clapping for my teammates when they get a really difficult shot.” That’s the only bad part about bowling is when you botch a throw and have to walk back and see the coach’s face, especially during a game. But the team is still just as supportive. But you think about what went wrong and you improve for the next turn. Mia Bragg (10) said, “I joined the team because bowling is underrated and it’s fun to get high scores.” I agree it’s super underrated but I’m glad we got more girls this year! Bowling is so much fun because the girls are super nice, and you can eat food in between your turns. How often can you do that in other sports? This was the best group of girls I’ve ever been on a team with. They were always happy, excited and filled the room with amazing energy. I know this season is going to be so fun and we had the best coach, Mr. Millard. Samantha Brooke (10) said, “It’s fun being able to play against other teams, especially when we get to play in person.” This is the biggest difference from last year. I know this is going to be an amazing season and I can’t wait!

Returning member of the Newspaper Staff, Natalie Flick is a sophomore at GHHS. Flick is excited to be a writer and editor, with the goal of creating amazing...