When does the Christmas season begin? GHHS students weigh in:
Halloween is officially behind us, reviving the annual debate: when does the Christmas season start? For many, it already has. Christmas music fills their cars on the drive to school, Christmas pajamas have made their way to the front of the dresser drawer, and warm peppermint mochas are draining dollar after dollar from their bank accounts. For others, however, the mere idea of anything affiliated with Christmas prior to Thanksgiving is appalling. This begs the question: where does our student body lie on this controversial issue? “I think the Christmas season starts after Thanksgiving so that you can have more Christmas in a shorter period of time,” said Luke Orr (9). “You need to give Thanksgiving the credit it deserves.” Mya Dorsey (11) shares the same opinion. “Thanksgiving still feels like fall. November is for pumpkin spice and fall leaves. December is for Christmas trees, snow, and gingerbread houses.” Katie Hood (11), on other hand, believes Christmas requires more than the time after Thanksgiving to celebrate completely. “Christmas is a mood, a feeling of happiness and warmth, not just a holiday. Thanksgiving is just a holiday,” she explained. “Christmas is something you actively celebrate with music, decorations, and events. Thanksgiving is just a day to sit and eat slimy turkey.” Brynn Fortner (12) supports the same view. She contended, “The best part of Christmas is the buildup, and I want to make sure it lasts as long as it possibly can.” The world will forever be in disagreement on this topic. While some make the claim that Christmas festivities are best enjoyed over a shorter period of time, still others ascertain that the period between Thanksgivng and Christmas simply is not long enough to contain all of the holiday’s merrymaking. This great question will never be resolved, but whenever the Christmas season begins for you, we can all share in the excitement, regardless of differing opinions.

New to The Sound staff this school year, Keira Orr is a writer in 11th grade. She has always had a passion for writing, and she’s looking forward to...