New Year’s Resolutions
For every New Year’s tradition, there are two types of people: the ones who have never missed the countdown to midnight and the ones who would rather get their beauty sleep, the ones who eat blackeyed peas for luck and the ones who aren’t willing to sacrifice their tastebuds for any amount of good fortune, and finally the lofty goal makers with a hundred resolutions and the realists who know that New Year’s resolutions rarely make it to February. Still, it’s fun to create a vision for the coming year and attempt to better ourselves, regardless of whether we succeed. We’ve all heard the basic resolutions time and time again: eat healthy, work out, drink more water, read, etc. But resolutions can be more creative than that. Mya Dorsey (11) stated, “My New Year’s resolution is to set time aside for myself every day to better my mental health.” Grace Mckee (10) said, “I want to get my driver’s license this year.” Hailey Gray (11) said, “My goal is to shoot 80 for golf by the end of the year.” Likewise, Cassidy Kauppila (10) wants to “improve in the high jump for track in 2023.” Kaylie Holt (11) said her resolution is “to look for opportunities and pursue them because that’s a good way to make positive changes and developments within life.” From making time for self-care to working hard in sports to stepping out of our comfort zones, New Year’s resolutions are about bettering ourselves and providing a great opportunity to stretch our limits and grow. Kylie Klipper (11) however has a different take on resolutions. “They’re dumb because I would rather go into New Year’s excited for what’s going to happen that year than excited for a resolution I’ve never been able to complete.” While Klipper’s perspective has some truth, there is still something very hopeful and exciting about striving to hold ourselves to a higher standard each year.

New to The Sound staff this school year, Keira Orr is a writer in 11th grade. She has always had a passion for writing, and she’s looking forward to...