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Teacher Spotlight – Ms. Anderson

Teacher Spotlight - Ms. Anderson

Gig Harbor High School has many wonderful teachers, and one of them is Ms. Anderson, the resource teacher. She teaches math and English to students with an individualized education program (IEP) plan and offers learning support. Ms. Anderson is not only dedicated to her students academic success but also to making each lesson as entertaining and engaging as possible.

This year was Ms. Anderson’s 23rd year of teaching, 17 of which were at GHHS. She loves many things about working here, and one of the main things is the relationship she gets to build with her students. “My favorite part of being a teacher at GHHS is the fact that I get to work with most of my students for multiple years, so I really get to know them  and their families – well. I love being able to form that bond with my students and see them grow both on an academic level and a social emotional level.” Like many teachers, Ms. Anderson has wanted to be a teacher for many years. “I have wanted to be a teacher for almost as long as I can remember. In junior high, I experienced a couple of horrible teachers and a couple of really wonderful teachers all in the same day, every day. When we had a good teacher,  we wanted to learn the material, even if it wasn’t a class we liked. That’s the kind of person I want to be as a teacher – hopefully, it is the kind of teacher I am.” With every class she teaches, Ms. Anderson hopes to inspire her students to learn and have fun along the way.

When asked about Ms. Anderson, Brynlee Macdonald (11) said, “I love how fun of a teacher she is!” Ms. Anderson’s ability to balance humor and instruction creates a positive and engaging classroom atmosphere. Her lessons aren’t just about learning the necessary information; they are also focused on helping students through their lives, both academically and emotionally. With her sarcastic comments, jokes, and welcoming classroom environment, Ms. Anderson fosters an environment of learning, fun, and trust. She also cares for her students, making sure they understand the material being taught and going above and beyond to support our learning journey. Students in her class are lucky to have her!

Grace Miller (10), another student, shared, “I love Ms. Anderson’s sarcastic humor and comments. It makes the class more fun and makes us feel more comfortable.” Ms. Anderson’s warm personality and kind teaching style make her students feel more comfortable in class, and more ready to learn. Her students find it much easier to learn when her humor helps students stay motivated and excited about learning.

Ms. Anderson’s dedication to her students and her ability to make learning fun really set her apart as a great teacher. Her fun and entertaining teaching style makes her classes more memorable and encourages students to learn. We are lucky to have such an amazing teacher like Ms. Anderson at our school!