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Farewell to Our Retiring Teachers

Farewell to Our Retiring Teachers

After a combined 72 years of dedication to countless Gig Harbor High School students, between Mr. Greetham and Ms. Janksi, it is time for them to close the chapter on their distinguished teaching careers. Come June, it marks the beginning of summer for many staff and students, but also the beginning of a well-deserved retirement for these two teachers, who have been not just teachers but mentors and inspirations.

Mr. Greetham, a familiar face to many students with his occasional time period-accurate attire, has been instrumental in helping Gig Harbor High School U.S. history students immerse themselves in their learning since 2000! As he prepares to retire this June after 40 years of service, we express our heartfelt gratitude for his dedication to his students and history. When asked what he will miss most, Greetham shared, “I will miss interacting with students and staff and the regular opportunity for students to discover how historical evidence can give them a better understanding of something that they may not have understood very well before or might have even had an inaccurate impression about.” Whether history is your least favorite or favorite subject, Mr. Greetham’s US history classes will surely spark your interest in the subject. Madi Hale (12) explained, “I had Mr. Greetham as a US history teacher my junior year, and it sparked my interest in history. My favorite days in his class were when he would dress up to match what he was teaching us that day.” Countless students have been inspired by his passion for history and unique teaching style. Though it may be time for him to hang up his period-accurate attire, we extend our sincerest thanks to Mr. Greetham for four decades of inspiration and service to the Gig Harbor High School community.

As the 2023–2024 school year draws to a close, so does the career of beloved Spanish teacher Ms. Janski. After 32 years of teaching, whether it be on the west or east coast, Janski has left an incredible legacy coast to coast. Well known for her collection of “vasitos,” Janski shares her plans with them following her retirement. “After retirement, I will need a gigantic cabinet mounted on the wall to display all my vasitos. Right now, I have 644, so the display case will probably take up an entire wall! Maybe I’ll take up cabinet making and build one!!” A former student of Ms. Janski, Daniella Bleich (12), says, “I love her energy and commitment to teaching.” After 16 years of experiencing the infamous senior pranks put on by graduating seniors, Janski reminisces on one of her favorite memories of teaching. “My most memorable moment was walking into the building the morning after a senior prank. The 100 wing was filled with balloons, higher than my knees! I felt like a little kid as I waded through all the balloons! I was laughing so hard I cried!”

With their retirement, Mr. Greetham and Ms. Janski are leaving behind a profound legacy at Gig Harbor High School. With a combined 72 years of dedication, they have been more than just educators; they have been beacons of inspiration and mentors to generations of students and alumni. These two incredible teachers will be deeply missed by both staff and students, but they will always be remembered by the Gig Harbor High School community for all they have done and the impact they have left.