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Tides Football Training Camp at University of Idaho

Photo credit: UhOhPhotography - September 22nd, 2023
Photo credit: UhOhPhotography – September 22nd, 2023
Mason Hasslinger

Many students are looking forward to the end of the year, and for our football team, that means going to their annual training camp in Moscow, Idaho. The Gig Harbor Tides football team plans on leaving just three days after school gets out to make the long trek across the state to the University of Idaho.

I spoke with Keegan Johnson (10), a soon-to-be junior, and he told me that he is “excited to go back to Idaho with the team for the 9-hour bus ride, which definitely helps with our team bonding, but most of all, I’m excited to get to compete a bit in Idaho and hopefully win MVP.”

During their time at camp, players intend to work on team bonding, learning how one another plays their specific positions, conditioning, and improving their on-field skills.

Some of the players even had advice for incoming freshmen, either joining the team or even considering it.

“After starting my football career in the sixth grade, the best advice I can give to any incoming players is to consider exactly what you want from football. Is it something you want to pursue or just do for fun? It’s a lot of time, effort, and dedication, but I believe it’s worth it because, in the end, you get to meet a lot of people and make a lot of connections,” said Johnson.

When asked about his biggest challenges throughout his football career and what advice he’d give to other players, Ryland Gelderman (10) stated, “The biggest challenge is staying healthy and taking care of yourself. It’s a violent game, but when you know how to handle it, it makes all the difference.”

This year, Head Coach Darrin Reeves invited me along to take photos and make videos showcasing the players, their skills, and to capture memories for the entire team.

I am excited and thankful to be able to be a part of the Tides Football family in this capacity, and I can’t wait to share in the team-building experience that will certainly yield positive results both on and off the field in the coming season.