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Seniors Take a Walk Down Memory Lane

Current seniors Cassandra Garay (12) and Kylie Klipper (12) stand side by side as young children
Current seniors Cassandra Garay (12) and Kylie Klipper (12) stand side by side as young children

Gig Harbor High School Seniors typically attend one of four public elementary schools, including Artondale Elementary, Discovery Elementary, Harbor Heights, or Voyager Elementary. As graduation draws near, graduating seniors are invited to return to their old elementary schools, or an elementary school of their choice, to walk the halls in their caps and gowns and celebrate with the young students.

Although a lot has changed since these graduating students first stepped foot into their elementary schools, many are excited to see how much has changed. Graduating senior Cassandra Garay (12) is participating in the elementary school graduation walk at Artondale Elementary. “I’ve lived in Gig Harbor my whole life, and I’m excited to go back to my elementary school. Although it’s been renovated since I was a student there, I’m excited to see all my old teachers,” Garay remarked.

However, many Gig Harbor High School seniors never attended a local elementary school in the area, as Gig Harbor has become an increasingly popular place to live. Senior Keira Orr (12) decided to participate in the graduation walk at Discovery Elementary, despite never attending a local elementary school. “I’m in the elementary tutoring class, which is held at Discovery Elementary, and I want to see some of the students I work with before graduating.”

Senior Kylie Klipper (12) will also be attending the elementary school graduation walks. Klipper attended Artondale Elementary and has coached students at Artondale Elementary in both lacrosse and basketball. Klipper stated, “It’s such a fun way to wrap up the year and graduate. It’ll be fun to see my old students and teachers during the grad walk!”

Overall, lots of Gig Harbor students are choosing to participate in the Elementary Grad Walk as it’s a great way to connect with previous teachers one final time before heading off to their post-secondary opportunities. It’s important to participate to both act as a role model for elementary students and thank those who have helped graduates on their journey in elementary school. This not only celebrates the past for graduates but also sets the stage for their younger peers.