As the semester comes to a close, Gig Harbor students often feel a mix of emotions like excitement, nervousness, relief, and sometimes even panic. The final days are a juggling act of studying, stress, and hoping for the best result. The shift from Dead Week to Finals Week is a key moment for students, packed with emotions and challenges. These weeks are so important, as to how students deal with and feel about these last hurdles of the semester.
Dead Week is the week right before finals when teachers usually don’t give out new homework or tests. With the dead week being from January 22nd and ending on the 30th, it’s a time for students to study and get ready for their big exams. Clara Cox (10) said, “Balancing school is tough, but I just try to stay on top of stuff and take breaks so I can stay calm.” Even though there’s no new work, it can still be really stressful because everyone is trying to review and cram for finals.
Finals Week is the most stressful time of the semester. With exams in almost every subject, students feel a lot of pressure to do well since finals can make up a big part of their grade. In the days before the exams, most students are cramming, staying up late to study, reviewing notes, and trying to remember everything they learned over the past few months. Natalie Eckerdt (10) said, “I manage my time by setting a one-hour timer to do as much as I can, then I take a break and then do another hour.” It’s easy to get overwhelmed by how much there is to study, and many students feel nervous or anxious.
As the semester ends, students are filled with stress and nervousness during Dead Week and Finals Week. Many worry they haven’t studied enough, but there’s also comfort in studying with friends and helping each other. Once the exams are over, there’s a huge sense of relief, whether they feel confident in their performance or not. Camden Archer (10) said his favorite thing about finals week being over is no more stress and getting more sleep.
The end of the semester is stressful, but also a time of growth. Students may feel nervous during Dead Week and Finals Week, but after the exams, there’s relief and a chance to reflect. Despite the pressure, they learn how to handle stress and are ready to start fresh for the next semester.