Having a birthday party for your dog might seem a little out there to some people. One might ask if it’s too much to make a birthday cake for your dog, but dog lovers understand they are a part of the family and should be celebrated as such. That’s why they should be celebrated with an easy-to-make doggy cake or cupcakes. Pat Gow (11) stated, “I think it’s such a cute idea to make your dog a cake for their birthday!” Making a dog cake is a lot easier than a human one; it only takes about an hour in total to make the cake, with most of that being cooking time! This cake is also made with products that are safe and tasty for dogs to consume. Your dog will not understand why they are getting a birthday cake or what it symbolizes, but they will know their owner did something special for them. Nae Humphery (12) exclaimed, “I’ve made a cake for my dog, and he absolutely loved it!” You will have more fun making this cake for your dog and watching them eat it than you think. It’s a load of fun for the whole family! Celebrate your pup for their special day with this easy recipe!
⅓ cup honey
¼ cup peanut butter (Make sure to avoid peanut butter with Xylitol)
¼ cup cooking oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup whole wheat or white flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/4 cup peanut butter

Gather all ingredients and preheat the oven to 350 Degrees F (175 degrees C).

Add honey, peanut butter, cooking oil, and vanilla extract into a bowl. Mix well.

Add carrots and mix until blended.

Mix in flour and baking soda. Mix until fully combined.

Spoon batter into cake tins or an 8-9 inch cake pan. Prepare your cake pan with cooking spray, butter, or flour to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan.
Bake in a preheated oven for about 35-40 min. You’ll know cake is done when you can insert a toothpick and pull it out clean.

Make the frosting. Mix greek yogurt and peanut butter until fully combined. Chill until ready to frost cake!

When the cake is fully cooled, frost the cake to your liking and garnish it with your pup’s favorite treat!