On January 21st, Gig Harbor High School drama class performed an amazing production called “The Crayon Chronicles” based on the two books, “The Day the Crayons Quit” and “The Day the Crayons Came Home,” written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers. The drama class performed the play for Discovery Elementary School with kids ages pre-k all the way through 2nd grade. This was an amazing experience for the actors and all of the students that got to watch.
The actors had a wonderful time preparing and performing for the students as well as staying in character to talk to them. “On stage, what was going through my mind was that I hope I don’t fall and embarrass myself in front of these kids. It was a really great experience, and I liked it. My favorite part of the whole show was the dance because the kids were laughing when I was angrily dancing.” Niya Dragovich (9) stated. Bella Knapp (9) said, “I really hoped that this was everything the kids expected and that they enjoyed it. My favorite part was the dancing because it was really fun getting to dance with everyone in our class.” All of the actors had just an amazing time and agreed that all of the practice is worth it when they get to perform.
The elementary students also had a memorable time, along with their teachers. For the kids, the performance impacted how they saw and understood the two books. “I was so impressed by this student-produced play! I thought it was very well done, and it was obvious how much work went into everything from the script to costumes to sets and acting,” Rebecca Hughes, kindergarten teacher at Discovery Elementary School, said, “It was fun for the kids to see a story they know and love come to life! They loved the funny parts (Peach was naked!), and they loved the costumes. Many of my students had never been to a play before, and it was fun to see them experience it for the first time. They were amazed to be so close to the actors and to see a story they knew.” For many of the students, this show has impacted their lives. They read these books before coming, and seeing it acted out has helped their imagination to grow.