How To: Go Gluten-Free

Clarissa Laflamme, Staff

There seems to have been a major incline lately in people trying to go gluten-free. In this last year, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and although the process has been extremely tough, it was not as hard as I had expected. The main three items with gluten are wheat, barley, and rye. There are so many food items that I would have never expected to have gluten in them: soy sauce, imitation crab, pickles — almost everything. Even certain medications and vitamin supplements have gluten in them. In order to fully go gluten-free, a person would have to read every single label before eating any items that are not grown naturally, like raw fruits and vegetables.

There are many brands out there that bake gluten-free breads and other foods like Udis and Glutino, Udis being my personal favorite. Now, although bread is a beautiful creation and extremely hard to imitate, there are gluten-free pizzas and muffins. These sorts of food items still taste great and dull the crave. There are also many other resources out there with gluten-free meal recipes like Gluten Free Girl and Celiac Central, websites with links below.

The most important thing to do when going gluten free is to be positive and read your labels!


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