A Week Devoted to Spreading Kindness

In recognition of World Kindness Day

Kelsey Queen, Staff

From November 10th to the 14th, Gig Harbor’s halls were full of kind acts and kind people, even more so than usual. During kindness week, Tides took doing good deeds to the next level, and many students went out of their way to make someone else’s day. Lots of Tides roam the halls on a regular basis looking for ways to help others. They hold open doors, help another student pick up their dropped belongings, or simply lend a pencil to a friend.

As a student body, many kind acts were performed. Starting the week with a veteran’s day assembly, donations were given to fly a local veteran on his honor flight, a program that sends WWII veterans to see the national memorial. Altogether, GHHS raised around 1700 dollars! Even though there was no school on Tuesday, for Veteran’s Day, that didn’t stop Tides from spreading kindness in the community. Many students made sure to thank veterans as they celebrated the national holiday with family and former or current military members. Kind acts continued during the three remaining school days that week. Freshman Adrian Sandoval was on the receiving end of a kind act, when his friend bought him lunch after he forgot to pack his. “There were so many kind acts and kind people throughout the week,” said Sophomore Maddie Garthe. Leadership supported the week long celebration by allowing students and teachers to write anonymous comments that would be hung around the walls of Gig Harbor. The week brought the students and faculty of GHHS closer. It showed the amount of appreciation we have for good deeds, and how important it is to remember to do kind things for others.