Seniors on their High school Years

Sarah Dullum

  • Q: What does your high school experience mean to you?

“Meeting new people and growing up with them. Seeing each other develop into different people.”

  • Did anyone or anything have a special impact on you?

“Mrs. Wenrich helped me pass English, so I can graduate.”

  • What has your favorite class been in the past four years?

“Art has been my favorite class.”

  • Did high school help you understand what you want in your future?

“Yeah, definitely.”

  • What is your best memory from each year of high school?
    1. Freshman year: The first day of high school
    2. Sophomore year: I don’t remember much of that year.
    3. Junior year: I liked chemistry.
    4. Senior year: A drawing class I took.


Colton Robinson

Colton Robinson1Torun Millberg


  • What does your high school experience mean to you?

“It’s a linking point between your younger life to adult life.”

  • Did anyone or anything have a special impact on you?

“Baseball, mainly because of the people I met and associated with.”

  • What has your favorite class been in the past four years?

“Team sports, for sure.”

  • Did high school help you understand what you want in your future?


  • What is your best memory from each year of high school?
    1. Freshman year: Just being a high schooler in a new environment.
    2. Sophomore year: I didn’t do much that year.
    3. Junior year: Playing varsity baseball.
    4. Senior year: Deciding where to go for college.


Hanna Peterson

Hanna Peterson1Torun Millberg

  • What does your high school experience mean to you?

“It’s the trial and error where you learn to forgive and forget. You can’t be the middle schooler who’s always angry; you need to learn to let go as high school goes on.”

  • Did anyone or anything have a special impact on you?

“The old French teacher (Madame Z.) She was the only teacher I had who actually understood the students.”

  • What has your favorite class been in the past four years?

“Weight training in junior year, but I also liked World History.”

  • Did high school help you understand what you want in your future?

“[laughs] No, it just made it more confusing.”

  • What is your best memory from each year of high school?
    1. Freshman year: I spent a lot of life with my best friend before she moved to Italy.
    2. Sophomore year: I reconnected with old friends.
    3. Junior year: I worked out and cooked a lot.
    4. Senior year: I encountered several new people.