Black Friday Brings a Little Chaos


Taylor Horn, Staff

While most people are excited for Halloween and candy, the retail world is excited for November 1st. This date is significant every year because that’s the day that Halloween is over and people can officially come out of the Christmas closet. It becomes more socially acceptable for us to play jingle bells and hang snowflakes and cover things in glitter. As the decorations and pine scented candles appear, the Black Friday chaos begins.

Black friday 2

Every year, the stores release their ads weeks, if not months, in advance so you know how their store has the “best” deal. People plan their trips and make their lists for the crazy night ahead of them. So why do we do this? Maybe it’s the thrill of getting a good deal. But some shoppers were shocked to see the crowds resembling more of a normal Saturday during the holiday shopping season than a typical Black Friday that we have come to know. Senior Clarissa Laflamme says,

“Why go through all that chaos on Thanksgiving night when you can online shop the rest of the weekend?”

Which is true. Why waste your time with the chaos when you can be comfortable at home with all the same items at your finger tips.


Image Source: Richard Davies