How to Be Chic, Yet a Trendsetter

Fashion for the Cold Weather


When it comes to fashion, fall and winter is by far our favorite seasons–we get to stock up on cozy sweaters, buy new boots, and fill our lovely wardrobe with rich colors and fabrics. It’s clear there are a few key essentials this year to add to your collection.

Ladies, there is nothing worse than chipped, unkempt nails, so let’s keep it simple and go with dark red, black, silver or dusty hues. Not only are these colors trendy, but they can match any outfit. If you really want to be bold and make a statement, try a deep wine red or matte plum color on your lips.

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As for your hair, if you like to wear beanies and hats, you should do tousled waves. This can be achieved by using dry shampoo at your roots and not brushing your hair because you’ll ruin the illusion of effortless curls. If you’re in a hurry, throw it up in a messy bun and curl the loose ends for a chic, easy hairstyle.

Don’t store those denim cutoffs just yet! Wear them all winter long with an oversized cardigan or plaid shirt and a plain colored shirt loosely tucked in with tights and wedges.


As for the gentlemen wanting to look trendy this season, you can look effortless and not careless with a few pieces of clothing. Jackets and plaid shirts will be your best friend because you can throw on a plaid shirt and vest in no time! If that’s not your taste, you can even just throw on a sweater and dark jeans with a black or grey beanie for a more relaxed look. Not only do these looks keep you warm, but you also look very fashion forward.


Image Sources: Spotted/M, We Heart It, The Hunt, Forum Zirve