Middle school to High school
When it comes to High School, it sounds fun and more freedom than middle school. At the same time, it can be nerve racking. Take it from the new incoming Freshmen. It’s not really easy moving from middle school to high school. In middle school, you don’t really have to care about your grades, unlike high school your graduation is really depending on it. In middle school finding your classes must be really easy because it’s not a really big building, unlike high school you really are gonna struggle, especially if it’s two floors. On my first day of high school, I was so nervous. There were a lot of thoughts going in my head. I struggled for the first two days, but then on the third day, I felt like I was an expert at finding my classes.
There are many differences in High School than Middle School. For example, classes, lunch, electives, and of course new students. By different classes, I mean by being more responsible than middle school. Like turning in your homework, or passing all test and quizzes, also always attend to school. If you do all these then you’ll be good to go. Mostly all these are for your grade and your grade leads to good credit and good credit leads to finally graduating. It’s ok to not attend to school, but the consequences to that are that you would have to catch up to your class and turn in all your work you missed. So in order for you to pass, every class always attend to school.
Another difference between Middle School and High School is the lunch. High school you have more choices of food and more places to sit and eat. You can eat in the commons, in the hallways, outside, and you can go out and eat (seniors only). There’s a lot of students so make sure to claim your table before you would have to sit on the ground or go in the hallways and eat. Food choices are really cool, there’s a place for pizza, a place for snacks, and a place for hot lunch too. They’re more food choices than middle school. Lunch is one of my favorite time of the school day because of course I get to see my friends and hang around or go outside, but most of all I get to eat yummy food or catch up on my homework.
When it’s your first day you will meet new friends even if you’re that shy person that’s alone. At high school everybody belongs and everyone has friends or meets new friends. The more you meet new people the more they’re likely to become your new friend. On my first day I got to meet new people and now they’re my friends. No one in high school will ever be alone.
You might think High School is a scary place to be at, but once you spend your first two weeks it’s not gonna be scary anymore. High school might be hard, but it’s also fun and exciting. Like I said in the beginning high school is fun and there’s more freedom than ever.

My name is Rosaria Miguel, and I am a freshman. Why I chose this class was because I love photography and I want to get involved more into High School...