How to stay motivated during a pandemic

How to stay motivated during a pandemic

We all know that this pandemic has had a major impact on everyone in the world in 2020. During this time, it can be really hard to stay motivated, but there are a lot of ways you can. I asked two students how they stay motivated during this pandemic. Kena Jones (10) said, “I just try my hardest to do things that motivate me like, playing games, watching TV, and honestly just not giving it too much thought, because if I did, I feel that I would worry about things even more than I already do with things like, work, school, and just normal stuff to take care of.”  Jacob Delapp explained, “I just feel unmotivated a lot, so when I do I usually try to re-ensure myself that things will be okay because, in the end, that’s all anyone can do.”

It can be hard to stay motivated, especially when you have a pandemic happening on top of normal day-to-day life, but I think we should all just remind ourselves that things get better and that we can make it through hard times. I know a lot of students who feel overwhelmed and want to be back in school without worrying that they or someone they know will get sick. If more people tell themselves that things will be okay, then they will be motivated to complete other tasks during this pandemic, rather than just sitting around doing nothing. There are all sorts of ways that you can be more productive and motivated, and you just need to realize that things can take time, but you can still get through something, even if it feels impossible.