Why Censorship can be Ridiculous

Why is it that as a culture we find it necessary to censor? Whether it be bleeping curse words in a song or in a film on television or banning books from libraries for various reasons, it seems for some reason we believe altering or restricting art will somehow benefit us as a culture. The central idea in censorship is that art creates reality and that what people, particularly children see or hear can influence how they act because they are more susceptible to having art impact their mindsets. “If children listen to rap music they will become sexist”, “If children see violent films or play violent video games they will become violent” and so on.

I agree to an extent that children should not necessarily be exposed to everything right out the gate. A little restriction is okay but this is of course the job of a parent, to monitor and decide what their children should be aloud to watch, read, and listen to. This is not the job of the government or the radio or television stations. If your children want to watch Goodfellas then the simple answer would just be to say “no” and not show it to them. The rest of us should not have to suffer through all 300 (not hyperbole) uses of the f-bomb being censored making Joe Pesci seem like some kind of mute, it’s a film about gangsters not mimes!

Certain stations are built for kids and there are resources for you to decide what is best for your child, art and media doesn’t have to bow down to your personal interests. If you are offended by something than that is your problem to deal with, but asking someone to take it out of someone else’s art just because you don’t want Jimmy in the back seat to hear is ridiculous! Let’s be adults and respect art and make our own personal decisions for our children instead of expecting the world to cater to our every needs.