MLK: Virtual Assembly


This year’s Martin Luther King Junior assembly was a little different than past years. Traditionally, there would be a gathering in the gym or auditorium with a few guest speakers, a couple of presentations made, and maybe even a skit prepared for us by some of the students. Due to the obvious issue of the pandemic and the fact that students have to maintain social distance, there was a video presentation shown during this week’s Thursdays Tide Time. The leadership students made the first two minute clip asking important questions about MLK which got you thinking about him and it led into the next video. A black woman named Erin Jones was explaining the importance of King and his voice. She was also talking about how what he believed in and stood up for applied to her life as a kid and how inspiring he was to her. She mentioned the importance of King and how he didn’t only stand for the black community, but to the nation as a whole, and those of all colors. She was getting the point across that we shouldn’t only appreciate what he did to fix racism, but we should also take away his bravery, courage, love, and sacrifice. Erin stated the point that what MLK did should be inspiring to everyone, and it doesn’t just include speaking up about racism. She claims that it’s about standing up for anything you are passionate about and whatever you believe is right. Addy Seher (11) says she took away that “Everyone has a job in this world and together as a whole we can make great things happen.” She also said learned, “Together we work in unity.” Nae Humphrey (9) stated that the assembly “was very inspiring and she appreciated the message.” Overall, Martin Luther King Jr helped the nation unite as a whole rather than just one community and that’s why we should remember him every year.